Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Yellowstone Park

Wow, It's been a long time since I have posted any photo's here!
This past weekend, my wife and I decided to take a trip to Yellowstone Park for the weekend. As we were preparing to leave, we both started getting a pretty nasty cold(Not fun), and I'm still recovering!
We left home Friday morning and got up to Gardiner, MT. With both of us being pretty sick, we didn't get to do much exploring over the weekend, So most of these photo's are from the drivers seat.

First thing, we walked around the Terraces at Mammoth Hot Springs.
 After the terraces, we decided to drive a little ways into the park towards Lamar Valley, but didn't go very far because we were both getting hungry for dinner. On the way back we came across many traffic jams from Buffalo, This one wanted to play a game of chicken!

 We got stuck behind these Buffalo for probably 45 minutes as they were going the same direction as us and they wouldn't get off the road!
We finally got back to the Hotel, and Started cooking dinner, While dinner was cooking, I decided to drive up towards the old mining town of Jardine. I found this cool little frozen over pond with this structure on the edge of it. I have no clue what the building was for, but it was pretty cool!
 The next day we decided to drive into the Lamar valley, we both still were under the weather and didn't feel like getting up early so I'm sure we missed lot's of wildlife. Needless to say we of course got stuck behind more buffalo in the road!
We didn't get out much either on this drive since there wasn't much going on. We ended up driving all the way to Cooke City, just to town around and drive back. Here is a shot while driving to Cooke City.
One the way back to Gardiner, we came across this coyote. We actually saw him the day before also, but didn't get many good photo's of him. He didn't seem bothered at all that he was getting passed by cars. We saw him in almost the same places both days.

 And Last, but not least a shot of the Roosevelt arch before we left the park for the weekend.
It wasn't the most eventful week in the park, but was nice to get away with my wife and spend some quality time before the little guy comes! Thanks for looking and maybe I will get better at updating this.....but I can't make any promises!

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